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 New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants

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3 posters

Number of posts : 145
Age : 33
Location : Brisbane, Australia
Registration date : 2008-02-14

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Character's Name: Michael Johnson
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Baltimore Orioles

New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Empty
PostSubject: New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants   New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 9:21 pm

New York Yankees receive:
Pedro Feliz
Steve Kline

San Francisco Giants receive:
Jeff Karstens
Eric Duncan
Angel Reyes

Giants get 3 suitable prospects for veterans who I'm desperate to get rid of.
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Number of posts : 593
Age : 33
Location : Australia
Registration date : 2008-02-14

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Character's Name: Brendan Lago
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Colorado Rockies, Arbitration 2011, $20,500

New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Empty
PostSubject: Re: New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants   New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 9:22 pm

yankees are going for the WS

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Number of posts : 1036
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-02-09

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Character's Name: Zach Burnette
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Florida Marlins (R), $12,300 until 2011

New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Empty
PostSubject: Re: New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants   New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 9:23 pm

We accept.

Yeah, probably 1 year rentals, but yeah... we're going for it all.
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Number of posts : 1036
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-02-09

Create A Player
Character's Name: Zach Burnette
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Florida Marlins (R), $12,300 until 2011

New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Empty
PostSubject: Re: New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants   New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Icon_minitimeThu Mar 06, 2008 8:25 am

Trade made on BM.
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New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Empty
PostSubject: Re: New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants   New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants Icon_minitime

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New York Yankees/San Francisco Giants
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