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3 posters

Number of posts : 130
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-02-18

Arizona/Minnesota Empty
PostSubject: Arizona/Minnesota   Arizona/Minnesota Icon_minitimeWed Mar 19, 2008 5:27 pm

Arizona trades:

Nicholas Hagadone
Emilio Bonifacio
Jason Davenport
Chad Tracy

Minnesota trades:

Joe Nathan
Garret Olson

Arizona gets the proven closer they need, plus a quality prospect in Olsen

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Number of posts : 108
Age : 51
Registration date : 2008-02-22

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Character's Name: Jason Davenport
Character's Age: 20
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Minnesota Twins $12,300 Arb'11

Arizona/Minnesota Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arizona/Minnesota   Arizona/Minnesota Icon_minitimeWed Mar 19, 2008 5:43 pm

Twins accept. Minnesota was trying to quiet rumors of Joe Nathan's departure from the Twin Cities until after the playoffs, but excited D'Backs officials and fans would have none of that. In return for the AL saves leader and 3B prospect Garret Olson the Twins receive current ML 3B Chad Tracy, along with two near ML ready players and the D'Backs heralded young catcher, Jason Davenport. Tracy hit .265 with 4 HR's in limited action with Arizona in 2007. The Twins were enamored with Tracy's ability to hit both righties and lefties and play a multitude of positions. The media found that C prospect Jason Davenport is actually the adopted son of Twins GM Jamison Kennedy, no wonder it was insisted that he be included in the deal. Also coming over from the D'Backs are 2B Emilio Bonafacio, who hit .324 with 10 HR's and 56 SB's at A Visalia Oaks, and SP prospect Nicholas Hagadone, a promising lefty who was shutdown by the Red Sox and D'Backs after a stellar career at the University of Washington to protect his arm for the 2008 season.

The Twins wish Joe Nathan the best, he has been a great asset to the club and the community for many years.
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Number of posts : 1036
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-02-09

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Character's Name: Zach Burnette
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Florida Marlins (R), $12,300 until 2011

Arizona/Minnesota Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arizona/Minnesota   Arizona/Minnesota Icon_minitimeSat Mar 22, 2008 3:37 am

Approved, and trade made on BM!
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Arizona/Minnesota Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arizona/Minnesota   Arizona/Minnesota Icon_minitime

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