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 The Stall

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Number of posts : 1036
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-02-09

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Character's Name: Zach Burnette
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Florida Marlins (R), $12,300 until 2011

The Stall Empty
PostSubject: The Stall   The Stall Icon_minitimeMon Jun 23, 2008 10:10 pm

I'm sorry that this league has faltered. Truth be told, I am disgusted in myself, but I have had some serious family problems that I have needed to take care of. They aren't fully taken care of right now, but I would like to try to get this league back up eventually; like in the next week at the very most. There's been legal problems and family issues... those are pretty much taken care of at the moment. I plan on going into more detail a little later on, but if you want to reach me, I should be on AIM for most of the night.

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Number of posts : 1036
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-02-09

Create A Player
Character's Name: Zach Burnette
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Florida Marlins (R), $12,300 until 2011

The Stall Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Stall   The Stall Icon_minitimeFri Jun 27, 2008 1:35 pm

Currently, I am working on another project. It's gonna be a league, but it will be a college league; and not necessarily baseball...
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