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 Enemy #1

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Number of posts : 1036
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-02-09

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Character's Name: Zach Burnette
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Florida Marlins (R), $12,300 until 2011

Enemy #1 Empty
PostSubject: Enemy #1   Enemy #1 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 22, 2008 8:11 am

Enemy #1 is a rule that I want to make clear. We have had people join this site just to recruit for their own site. If ANYONE catches ANYONE else doing this, PLEASE PM A Mod or me, the Commish.

Anyone who steps forward, will not be ratted out, and will actually be rewarded with $500 forum cash AND 5M cash for their team. I will catch anyone with multiple accounts, and you will be banned for a small period of a couple of days, and you get to pick which account you wanna keep. I am tired of the recruiting, and I am going to crack on down on it NOW!

Once members leave, or right before they get banned, I find out they they were mass recruiting. What does the term 'mass recruiting' mean? Well in my eyes, at least, it means that someone was PM'ing users or IM'ing users of SBH2 to tell them how much their league rocks, and usually (in that jaysgm case, at least) how much SBH2 sucks eggs. Now, I understand and believe in the Constitution. I also believe in Democracy. But I for one, will not stand for this type of behavior! It discourages members from staying with the league, and possibly others from joining it, and I will NOT have that! So, like I said:

I am going to start cracking down on this!

Reward = Your name is kept a secret, so no one knows that you turned in that member. You get $500 Forum Cash, and you get 5 Million dollars for your team that you GM.
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