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 Boston Red Sox Strategies

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3 posters

Number of posts : 303
Age : 31
Location : New Jersey
Registration date : 2008-02-14

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Character's Name: Steve Frazee
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Washington Nationals ~ Arbitration 2011/$12,300

Boston Red Sox Strategies Empty
PostSubject: Boston Red Sox Strategies   Boston Red Sox Strategies Icon_minitimeSat Mar 29, 2008 11:21 am

Hit and Run-(+1.5)
Sacrifice Bunt-(-3)
Squeeze Play-(+2)

Extra Bases-(+3)
Steal Bases-(+5)
Tag Up-(+4)

Intentional Walk-(0)
Pitch Around-(+0.5)

Infield In-(+2)
Guard Lines-(-1.5)
Cutoff Throws-(+1.5)

Pinch Hit-(-0.5)
Pinch Run-(+2)
Defensive Replacements-(+4)

Start on Short Rest-(-1)
Pitch Through Trouble-(-0.5)
High Pitch Counts-(+2)

[b]Hit and Run-[/b]
[b]Sacrifice Bunt-[/b]
[b]Squeeze Play-[/b]

[b]Extra Bases-[/b]
[b]Steal Bases-[/b]
[b]Tag Up-[/b]

[b]Intentional Walk-[/b]
[b]Pitch Around-[/b]

[b]Infield In-[/b]
[b]Guard Lines-[/b]
[b]Cutoff Throws-[/b]

[b]Pinch Hit-[/b]
[b]Pinch Run-[/b]
[b]Defensive Replacements-[/b]

[b]Start on Short Rest-[/b]
[b]Pitch Through Trouble-[/b]
[b]High Pitch Counts-[/b]
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Number of posts : 1036
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-02-09

Create A Player
Character's Name: Zach Burnette
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Florida Marlins (R), $12,300 until 2011

Boston Red Sox Strategies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boston Red Sox Strategies   Boston Red Sox Strategies Icon_minitimeSun Mar 30, 2008 1:04 am

Opening Day changes made.
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Number of posts : 303
Age : 31
Location : New Jersey
Registration date : 2008-02-14

Create A Player
Character's Name: Steve Frazee
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Washington Nationals ~ Arbitration 2011/$12,300

Boston Red Sox Strategies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boston Red Sox Strategies   Boston Red Sox Strategies Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 1:00 pm

Hit and Run-+2
Sacrifice Bunt--1
Squeeze Play-+1.5

Extra Bases-+3.5
Steal Bases-+5
Tag Up-+4.5

Intentional Walk-0
Pitch Around-+1

Infield In-+2.5
Guard Lines--0.5
Cutoff Throws-+1

Pinch Hit-+1
Pinch Run-+2.5
Defensive Replacements-+3.5

Start on Short Rest-0
Pitch Through Trouble--2
High Pitch Counts-+2.5
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Number of posts : 593
Age : 33
Location : Australia
Registration date : 2008-02-14

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Character's Name: Brendan Lago
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Colorado Rockies, Arbitration 2011, $20,500

Boston Red Sox Strategies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boston Red Sox Strategies   Boston Red Sox Strategies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 24, 2008 2:21 am

sim 10
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Number of posts : 303
Age : 31
Location : New Jersey
Registration date : 2008-02-14

Create A Player
Character's Name: Steve Frazee
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Washington Nationals ~ Arbitration 2011/$12,300

Boston Red Sox Strategies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boston Red Sox Strategies   Boston Red Sox Strategies Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2008 12:27 pm


Hit and Run-(+1.5)
Sacrifice Bunt-(0)
Squeeze Play-(-2)

Extra Bases-(+3)
Steal Bases-(+3.5)
Tag Up-(+4.5)

Intentional Walk-(-1)
Pitch Around-(0)

Infield In-(+1)
Guard Lines-(-1.5)
Cutoff Throws-(+2)

Pinch Hit-(+1)
Pinch Run-(-.5)
Defensive Replacements-(+2.5)

Start on Short Rest-(+1)
Pitch Through Trouble-(-1)
High Pitch Counts-(-1.5)

[b]Hit and Run-[/b]
[b]Sacrifice Bunt-[/b]
[b]Squeeze Play-[/b]

[b]Extra Bases-[/b]
[b]Steal Bases-[/b]
[b]Tag Up-[/b]

[b]Intentional Walk-[/b]
[b]Pitch Around-[/b]

[b]Infield In-[/b]
[b]Guard Lines-[/b]
[b]Cutoff Throws-[/b]

[b]Pinch Hit-[/b]
[b]Pinch Run-[/b]
[b]Defensive Replacements-[/b]

[b]Start on Short Rest-[/b]
[b]Pitch Through Trouble-[/b]
[b]High Pitch Counts-[/b]
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Number of posts : 1036
Location : NC
Registration date : 2008-02-09

Create A Player
Character's Name: Zach Burnette
Character's Age: 18
Characters current team and yrs/salary per year: Florida Marlins (R), $12,300 until 2011

Boston Red Sox Strategies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boston Red Sox Strategies   Boston Red Sox Strategies Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 10:24 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Boston Red Sox Strategies   Boston Red Sox Strategies Icon_minitime

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Boston Red Sox Strategies
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